Generally devices running Android 22 Froyo or later that have the Google Play Store app installed will receive updates within a few days. You can customize the type of input allowed using setInputType if you need. Samsung Galaxy S9 Or The Galaxy Note 8 Choose In A Comment Below Tag 3 Samsung Lovers Double Tap To Love Samsung Galaxy Galaxy Note 8 Galaxy Fortunately its just a little extra work on top of creating a standard AlertDialog. Android find dialog by tag . 3If you project has. This hint can allow the user to view content in your app more quickly after re-authenticating using a passive modality such as face- or iris-based recognition. As a result your application can use the YouTube Android Player API and reach most devices in the Android ecosystem. According to the documentation create Creates a AlertDialog with the arguments supplied to this builder. How to Set Up ADB and Fastboot. We dont need to use both create and show as show already creates the dialog with the...